I do it anyway :)

“God is great but sometimes life ain’t good

When I pray it doesn’t always turn out like I think it should

But I do it anyway”


This is what LEADING your Dreams is all about. It  doesn’t really matter if you realize what you wanted to do with your life at the age of 16 or at 45 or even at 60. What matters is that you were given the chance to know what you want, to do what you want and to be that person you ought to be. Whatever it is Do it anyway. Never ever give up on something for if it turns out good then You’ll look back happily and if it doesn’t then I believe there were lessons learned. 🙂

“You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in

That tomorrow they’ll forget you ever sang

Sing it anyway”


            I sing, I dream I love anyway!

I don’t want flowers on my funeral

I passed by a memorial chapel last night and it was probably the last night of wake for one particular person. He/She must have been a very good person for there were a lot  who joined him/her on his/her last night.  I didn’t only mean people when I said a lot; I also meant flowers.

Yes. Flowers covered the entire chapel and people were scattered outside like there’s no more room inside. I didn’t feel the warmth of their sympathy.It didn’t sound like a funeral at all. It was like church bells were ringing for a celebration, something that would pass by and in a few months would only be a thing of the past.

I DON”T WANT FLOWERS ON MY FUNERAL. Flowers signify life  and  friendship. They signify hope and strength.  They immortalize for a moment (contradicting) the heightened emotions that are present but at the end of the day I never really get to bring them (the flowers) with me.

Save your flowers for others. Let them be more than just flowers. Help the needy, save them for your retirement or what have you. BUT I DON”T WANT THEM ON THAT  DAY. I DON”T NEED THEM AT ALL! for they wither; they’ll turn into  soil even before I’ll do. Let me bring with me your whispered prayers your love. I am sure, They’re all I will ever need.

Drafted last May 12. didn’t have time to finish.

Thanks to NL bakeshop that I got to pass by NEPLUM where I saw all those flowers. 🙂