Take one good memory with you everyday :)

It doesn’t need to be as grand as conquering the world 

or being in the latest talked about concert…        

It may be as simple as a stroll in the park or a visit to the nearest river to relax and to be inspired.

It’s all about that single memory you can bring with you at the end of the day to remind you of what you’ve exchanged your day for. It could be a memory of that bottle of water you’ve unconditionally shared with a person who looked so tired and thirsty. It could be a seat you’ve shared with a stranger, or a smile you’ve shared with a friend. 


Something I’ve realized this week is that 🙂 we have a lot of good things to be thankful for. Countless actually. Priceless things we don’t even ask for and yet He gives; like that loving dad who’s always there for you or that mom who doesn’t sleep well until you get home after a party on a Friday night. (there are many who looks forward to having these) and yet you, you would trade everything to shew them away. 

Ohh.. so going back,,,


I figured out that bringing with you one GOOD memory a day would help you be more of a NOW person. How? well for some time you may be dwelling on the past when you try to remember but then it won’t take you long because you’ll be more busy living Today and and preparing for tomorrow 🙂 in that way you get to live in the present more, deal a little with the past and have a short idea of what you would want in the future.


We only have a short time here on earth and based from experience (lolo’s experience) Senescence would take away almost every precious memory we have so you may ask: why would we care to take one precious memory every day then? the answer is simple. It’s because we have to make the best of each day not for us to remember but for others not to forget 😛 


I can’t get used to this! :P

Last night I dreamt of falling teeth again. It is strange because I have dreamt of this seen numerous times already. Last night’s dream was a bit different for, in that dream, I asked someone to put my teeth back for me.

This morning when I woke up my mind was unwilling to drop the matter and it constantly reminded me of that horrifying dream (or was it a nightmare?). And so with the help of Google I started searching–meaning of dreams (falling teeth) which led me to numerous links which lead to the same meaning… follow through….

Psychological Meaning: Dreaming of teeth falling out may represent insecurity. These dreams often occur at a time of transition between one phase of life and another. When we lost our milk teeth, we also gradually lost our childhood innocence. Loosing your teeth therefore show that today you have similar feelings of uncertainty and self-consciousness as you did in childhood. The dream could also highlight your worries about getting older or your sexual attractiveness.

Animal teeth may represent aggressiveness and false teeth may represent concern about your self-image. The dream could also be triggered by subtle toothache that you are not yet consciously aware of.

I concede to everything. First, I am quite aware of the identity crisis that I am in and I think a lot about it lately; the confusions, uncertainty and all that! Everything comes in handy for me. lol 😛 Second, before I went to sleep last night I was worried about the weight I’ve gained from 3 months of no work and just being at home eating and munching on everything in the refrigerator and in my mom’s pantry. I asked a good friend of mine, Suzy, if she knows a diet I can use to lose weight.  

Well my point is that I can’t go on like this! all my Saturdays are idle, more so are my weekdays. I can’t seem to get out of this QLC thingie.. Oh great… one more mention of it.. grrrh.. I need work and I need Life.. ;P

I do it anyway :)

“God is great but sometimes life ain’t good

When I pray it doesn’t always turn out like I think it should

But I do it anyway”


This is what LEADING your Dreams is all about. It  doesn’t really matter if you realize what you wanted to do with your life at the age of 16 or at 45 or even at 60. What matters is that you were given the chance to know what you want, to do what you want and to be that person you ought to be. Whatever it is Do it anyway. Never ever give up on something for if it turns out good then You’ll look back happily and if it doesn’t then I believe there were lessons learned. 🙂

“You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in

That tomorrow they’ll forget you ever sang

Sing it anyway”


            I sing, I dream I love anyway!

I don’t want flowers on my funeral

I passed by a memorial chapel last night and it was probably the last night of wake for one particular person. He/She must have been a very good person for there were a lot  who joined him/her on his/her last night.  I didn’t only mean people when I said a lot; I also meant flowers.

Yes. Flowers covered the entire chapel and people were scattered outside like there’s no more room inside. I didn’t feel the warmth of their sympathy.It didn’t sound like a funeral at all. It was like church bells were ringing for a celebration, something that would pass by and in a few months would only be a thing of the past.

I DON”T WANT FLOWERS ON MY FUNERAL. Flowers signify life  and  friendship. They signify hope and strength.  They immortalize for a moment (contradicting) the heightened emotions that are present but at the end of the day I never really get to bring them (the flowers) with me.

Save your flowers for others. Let them be more than just flowers. Help the needy, save them for your retirement or what have you. BUT I DON”T WANT THEM ON THAT  DAY. I DON”T NEED THEM AT ALL! for they wither; they’ll turn into  soil even before I’ll do. Let me bring with me your whispered prayers your love. I am sure, They’re all I will ever need.

Drafted last May 12. didn’t have time to finish.

Thanks to NL bakeshop that I got to pass by NEPLUM where I saw all those flowers. 🙂

AGAPE, I love you in spite of…

What better love is there than that of the LOVE of GOd?

AGAPE, I love you in spite of.

I love you in spite of your flaws and your sins.

I love you in spite of the mistakes you’ve done in the past and those that you are yet to make.

I love you in spite of not remembering me on your happiest hour and in spite of bugging me on your lowest day.

I love you in spite of your broken promises and your pledges that never came true.

I love you in spite of your unfair bargains for the things that you like the most; like when you say, “I’ll be good Father, if only you give me this and that”

I love you in spite of your doubts about my existence and your fears  about trusting me to the fullest.

I love you in spite of the fact that you ask forgiveness for the same sins over and over again.

I love you in spite of your continuous sinful ways.

I love you in spite of all these and a whole lot more.

I love you in spite of you letting them crucify my only beloved son on the cross.

I love you and I forever will because you are mine and I’ll be waiting for that time that you’ll come back to me and join me in paradise.


Color thy life =)

What is the color of your Life?  Is it RED which shows courage or strength and the willingness to take in the battles that comes to thee? Or Is it ORANGE that shows sweetness and a relatively flavor-ish life?  Is it YELLOW that shows sunshine and optimism? Could it be GREEN which signifies hope or  wishful thinking? Is it as BLUE as the deep blue sea which shows how grounded you are? Or is yours the color of twilight, INDIGO that welcomes the dark calm night? Or is it VIOLET, the color of secrets and mysteries and of passion?

Or is it a RAINBOW?

Or maybe of Pure white?

Or is it covered by the shadows of blackness?

Is white even a color? and is black too?

Choose to color your life, never aim for White or Black, you have a lot of shades to choose from =)

Things I’d like to accomplish =)

These are realistic things that I aim to accomplish before I go to the tomb. hahaha This is a separate list. Separate from that list of things to do before I die. The difference is mainly on the hierarchy. This is a priority list, most likely the ones that I really badly want to achieve not just a whimsical nonsense list. Just in case any of you knows in any manner a way for me to accomplish any of those on this list, kindly leave me a comment or anything. =) it’ll be greatly appreciated =)

all were intentionally numbered 1 incase you’re wondering. =)

just like this one =)

1. Build a Public Library/bookstore/coffee place

1. Be a founder of a Foundation that helps people- I’ve got several ideas for this.

1. Own a photo and video editing studio 

1. Own a butterfly garden and a pond where I can culture prawns

1. Own a review school for College Entrance Examination

1. Work for the UN as a volunteer.

1.Be a lawyer =)


A lunch that will forever be remembered…

Scene 1——Lights, Camera, Action

Lolo: “Kalwat ku rin megobra keng clark, 44 years”

Me: “oh talaga lo? kalwat pala neh? ala ku pa kanita.”

Lolo: ” Karin ke akilala i lola  mu”

Me: “ayba? karin ya naman megobra?”

Lolo: “wa, supervisor ya kanita karin, aneng kamwa kanaku, eku byasang manuklip malan”

Me: “ngek, o bakit naman?”

Lolo: “Mebyasa ku rin, kaybat minasensu ku”

Me: “awa, ngeni enaka magobra neh?”

Lolo: “ali naku, magsweldu naku mu.”


And then we ate. Lolo ate  all the cucumber I cut for him. These were two big cucumbers. after every bite he takes he says, “ot mabsi ku yata?” but then he finished all that I’ve prepared.

a few minutes more and then…

Scene 2————————

Lolo: “nukarin ya minta e ma mu?”

Me: “ngek, kasabi me pa nandin, atyu america”

Lolo: “ayba? akalingwan ku na.”

Lolo: “Kalwat ku rin megobra keng clark

Me: Oh talaga? pilang years lo?

Lolo: 44 years

Me: Keng Laundry?

Lolo: “wa, keng laundry. Karin ke akilala i lola  mu”

Me: talaga? mapmo karin ya rin magobra?

Lolo: wa, supervisor ya karin, aneng kamwa kaku kanita kasi eku byasang manuklip malan.

Me:talaga? mebyasa nakaman?

Lolo: wa, minasensu naku man.

Then, mengan ulit. and wait, I forgot to add that everytime he gets the “ulam-viant, he asks about kuya mike, Mengan ne i koya mo?…

Scene 3————–

M: o keng america lo? megobra ka karen?

L: wa, malwat murin.

M: pilan?

L: 44 years. (wahaha… katwa na ng lolo 44+44=88)

M: o e lola megobra ya karen?

L: wa, karin ke akilala. (whaaaht?)


M: pilan kong mikakapatad lo?

L: 5 ke yata.

we’ve enumerated them,  and they’re just four. hhehe

here’s the sad but funny part…

M:O deng anak mu lo? Pilan la?

L: TABALU, akalingwan ku na. (hahahaha, tsk tsk)

scene 4———-

Me: o nyang bayu ka munta states nukarin ka magobra?

L: Keng Laundry,  Kalwat ku rin megobra keng clark, 44 years…


Forgive me lolo. It was my slightest intention to make fun of you. I love you and we love You. We’ll never get tired of listening to your same old stories that never fails to bring laughter to our hearts.

You’ve probably heard of Lolo’s story of the airplane that crashed in the runway of Clark airbase. 70 people died. hahahaha


Coffee and Me

Law school taught me several vices among which is the vice of burning the midnight oil and staying late at night which according to my college professors damage our neurons which by the way never regenerates.
Since my discovery of energy drinks–thanks to Lalaine! lol I found myself drinking some on times when I feel the need to stay wide awake which is basically every night, but I only  really drink this during exams and times when I feel that I would be called the next day for a recitation. This has been a habit of mine and so concerned citizens of the world told me about the bad effects of energy drinks and my mom to be exact prohibited me to drink it. She suggests that I instead drink coffee.

now… coffee and me…
I’ve never really realized it until now that coffee has been a constant best friend. Well sorry Elaine but I may say that coffee has always been here when I needed company. hahaha I am not fond of drinking lots of coffee unlike others who can’t stand a day without a trace of caffeine in their veins (hyperbole) =) but lately I came to notice that when I think hard, and when I think I’m thinking hard, I have in my hands a cup of coffee put in my favorite white MUG.

I’d love to think that someday, I am going to have a day of the week  left for  sharing a cup of coffee with someone who have the same kind of    feeling for coffee or much better; someone who doesn’t share the same thought but thinks that He would rather be there with me drinking our cups of coffee other than being anywhere else  in this world.

Going back to coffee and me. I have my own mix of coffee, creamer and sugar. Something more or less than that would not be mine. How I wish it’s like that with life. How I wish it’s as simple as making your own cup of coffee. Putting your own flavor and enjoying every bit of it. But life as we know it would never be our own choice of flavor. Sometimes Life is bitter or sweet or a little of a combination of both. Sometmes it’s creamy but sometimes it’s black and unlike coffee when it’s extremely strong, we could tone it down but we could never do that with life.

This isn’t a bitter post. This is more of my coffee type of life. a bitter sweet; life that would have to be lived to the fullest, I mean until the cup is empty because it wouldn’t be until then that you’ll be able to get yourself another shot and this time you have the chance to make it better. =)

To my next cup of coffee? with whom am I gonna share it with? anyone? =)

It happened and it’s possible =)

I’ve been convinced that those marriages that exist until now are those exceptions from those broken marriages. But I would have to differ from that very thought  from now on..

All these years, my mom and dad has always been there for each other; not that they’re having a smooth sail, it’s a rough and tough voyage that they manage quite well. I’ve seen them fight many times and I’ve been a witness to days where silence was the most dominant theme in the house. On the contrary, I have witnessed blissful years and magnificent days that I will forever treasure and forever hold dear.

To Diane, who is getting married on Saturday, This post is for you. You Know and you do quite well that this voyage that  you are going to have is uncertain, an obscure way which would only unfold itself through the years. Everything is going to be uncertain, just like the roads that our moms and dads took and look where their love for each other brought them =) we found our way into this world.

And what better way to think of marriage as such; bringing JOY into this world.

To Freddie and Diane Cheers to the blissful years ahead you’ll have together =)

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