Coffee and Me

Law school taught me several vices among which is the vice of burning the midnight oil and staying late at night which according to my college professors damage our neurons which by the way never regenerates.
Since my discovery of energy drinks–thanks to Lalaine! lol I found myself drinking some on times when I feel the need to stay wide awake which is basically every night, but I only  really drink this during exams and times when I feel that I would be called the next day for a recitation. This has been a habit of mine and so concerned citizens of the world told me about the bad effects of energy drinks and my mom to be exact prohibited me to drink it. She suggests that I instead drink coffee.

now… coffee and me…
I’ve never really realized it until now that coffee has been a constant best friend. Well sorry Elaine but I may say that coffee has always been here when I needed company. hahaha I am not fond of drinking lots of coffee unlike others who can’t stand a day without a trace of caffeine in their veins (hyperbole) =) but lately I came to notice that when I think hard, and when I think I’m thinking hard, I have in my hands a cup of coffee put in my favorite white MUG.

I’d love to think that someday, I am going to have a day of the week  left for  sharing a cup of coffee with someone who have the same kind of    feeling for coffee or much better; someone who doesn’t share the same thought but thinks that He would rather be there with me drinking our cups of coffee other than being anywhere else  in this world.

Going back to coffee and me. I have my own mix of coffee, creamer and sugar. Something more or less than that would not be mine. How I wish it’s like that with life. How I wish it’s as simple as making your own cup of coffee. Putting your own flavor and enjoying every bit of it. But life as we know it would never be our own choice of flavor. Sometimes Life is bitter or sweet or a little of a combination of both. Sometmes it’s creamy but sometimes it’s black and unlike coffee when it’s extremely strong, we could tone it down but we could never do that with life.

This isn’t a bitter post. This is more of my coffee type of life. a bitter sweet; life that would have to be lived to the fullest, I mean until the cup is empty because it wouldn’t be until then that you’ll be able to get yourself another shot and this time you have the chance to make it better. =)

To my next cup of coffee? with whom am I gonna share it with? anyone? =)

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